I hope you will enjoy reading and learning about my amazing team of Harris hawks and what daily life is like when caring for and flying one of natures finest predators. I aim to show you how they have helped me find complete happiness in a terrifying world!
Its A Hawks Life .
Hi, I am Anita Ebdon, the very proud owner and founder of Hampshire Hawk Walks, I am living the dream of living and working with a team of 9 birds of prey 7 of which are my absolute favourite - Harris Hawks!!! I just can't get enough of them, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year, I care for my hawks and absolutely hate having to be away from them even for a few hours, they are my absolute world, apart from my very accommodating and long suffering husband Nicey, who to be honest started it all by taking me on a falconry experience as a birthday treat, how could he ever have imagined that 9 years later he would be surrounded by birds! but not just any bird by Harris Hawks!
My aim is to give an insight into what day to day life is like and just how much care and attention these animals really require to ensure they have the best welfare. I will be sharing the ups and downs, the frustrations and comical moments that I experience in the hope you might want to come and meet me and one of my hawks on a walk or if you are just intrigued to know more. I have my social media posts however really wanted to create more of a diary to keep and share ongoing and to explain just how amazingly happy these creatures make me. I hope you will join me for my journey.

NEO - 2017
The start of my journey, Meet Neo my first Harris Hawk. ( Alas Neo passed away in the care of another falconer early in 2023 ) He was a stunning looking little Harris hawk with the courage of a Lion
Handling a male Golden Eagle, a bit bigger than a Harris!!

This was the day that ignited the fire!
You can never know what your future will hold however my advice is not to be afraid of exploring the unknown and taking a chance, I will endeavour to share with you during this blog how falconry has changed my life for the better in so many ways I could never have imagined and now I live with a smile on my face and can't wait to get out of bed every day! it took me a few years but I found my calling, and hopefully I can share some of that happiness with you all too.
To come and meet me and my fantastic team